SW10/WWW: Powernaut 1985 #18: Day of the Losernaut!

Drew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 17:04:08 PDT 2016

On 3/17/2016 7:12 PM, Scott Eiler wrote:
> .... That's right!  You only *thought* he was a throw-away character! But Lenny
> Lussier proves he's in this story to stay, as Powernaut 1985 gets its final
> guest star.
> http://www.eilertech.com/stories/powernaut/1985b.htm#18

I did *not* realize that. o.o; Wow.

> No one predicted that the Losernaut from 1948 would be brought back for this
> 1985 comic.  But in retrospect, it was inevitable.  The Losernaut comics *did*
> last long enough to have some overlap with the early 1960s Power Patrol, so
> Paula Power may have met him.

Fans will bring back *anything*.

> Back in 1985, some of us fanboys considered how the Losernaut might be mentally
> ill.  With twenty years of retrospective here in 2005, we think he might have
> had autism *and* Down's Syndrome.  That's not a thing people would have
> blatantly put in comics in 1948 or even 1985, of course.  But Powernauts treated
> him like a friend and an equal, and they trusted him to make his own decisions.
> No commentator faults this comic on that.

...hmmmmm. Interesting.

Drew "fascinating, even" Perron

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