SW10/REVIEW: Catalog of Earths, 2015 Update #3 of 5: The Web Comics (REPUBLISHED)

Drew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 12:23:52 PST 2016

On 12/29/2015 10:13 PM, Scott Eiler wrote:
> Author's Note:  I have republished, after realizing that new and returning
> readers might need a review of the *art* of The Web Comics also.

Entirely fair.

> - Critique:  When the stories actually happen, they're impressive or just plain
> fun, and often both.  And the artwork shows a cartoonist reaching the height of
> his craft - and embracing color in his comics. "Destiny City" is a side-story
> from the storyline at its height - kind of like "The Silmarillion".  One might
> imagine how the storyline might resolve from where it is now - especially with
> chainsaw-Smurfs sawing down the foundations of reality or something.  Perhaps
> those are the things the storyline needs to move forward.  Or reset.  Or whatever.

Yes indeed! I'd love to see more of this, however it goes.

Drew "I see Continentals and Chevalier are chugging along nicely" Perron

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