LNH: Classic LNH Adventures #5: LNH Triple Play #1

Arthur Spitzer arspitzer at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 16 20:08:45 PST 2016

In this weeks reposting of stuff you can find in the eyrie archive
we have the First Issue of Joltin' Jeff McCoskey's LNH Triple
Play -- a kind of LNH flagship type title which featured every
issue a story involving three LNH characters (with one of them 
usually being either Catalyst Lass or Hooded Ho`'od Win).

If I had to pick a favorite LNH series, this is probably the one
I'd pick since every issue had very strong writing.  The
only real problem it had was that every other issue was a part
of some massive LNH crossover, which makes it a bit tough for
readers that don't want to slog through the LNH timeline when
reading a series.  :)

This first issue though is a self-contained issue involving
the secret origin of the Hooded Ho`'od Win (a character
created by Raymond "wReam" Bingham).

Classic LNH Adventures #5:  LNH Triple Play #1

---' `---' `---' `--- //////////||||||||||||||\\\\\\\\\ ---' `---' `---' `---
 Pseudo-Random House |////////|||||LLLLLLL||||||\\\\\\\|    NOT A REPRINT!
        COMIX         >//////.... (       )  ....\\\\\<   FABULOUS 1st ISSUE!
___   ___   ___   ___|....       /starring|        ....|___   ___   ___   ___
///`v'///`v'///`v'.           HOODED HO`'OD WIN           .`v'\\\`v'\\\`v'\\\\\
///////////...                   ||       |                     ...\\\\\\\\\\\\
///////..                        ((_______)                          ..\\\\\\\\
////_______                       `------'                          _______\\\\
///(       )                    ____     _______                   (       )\\\
///        |                   |    |   |   _   \                 /        |\\\
 SUPER APATHY LAD     ______   |    |   |  |_)   )            MULTI-TASKING MAN
  ||       |        |   _   \  |    |   |    ==='   ____          ||       |
  ((_______)        |  |_)   ) `===='   `==='      |    |         ((_______)
   `------'         |        \        ..           |    |          `------'
         __________ `===='`==='     .'   `.        |    \     /~~~~~|
        |          |               : (LNH) :       `======   |  ,==='
        |          |               `.     .'                 |  `~~|
        `===    ==='  _______        ` ..'      ____    ____ |  ,=='
            `=='     |   _   \   ____      ____ \   \  /   / `======
                     |  |_)   ) |    |    /    \ \   `'   /
                     |    ==='  |    |   /  /\  \ `=    ='
                     `==='      |    \  |   `'   |  `=='
                                `====== `==='`==='
                        ...                           ...
                            ...      _______      ...    
                                 .. |       | ..
                                    |  #1   |
                                     Fall 93
                                      \   /

{ Cover is M-TM battling a stagnant SAL above a closeup of HHW's hood.
        Her fists are at her temples in a demeanor of Big Angst.

At bottom, splashy blurb proclaims "ULTIMATE NINJA NOT APPEARING THIS ISSUE!" }


                              WHAT HIDES THE HOOD?


        "Dammit, SAL, no wonder I never leave the computer room.  I've
barely got enough energy to run a problem set, play nettrek, read news, and
enjoy my pizza.  Would you get OUT OF HERE so I can get something done?!"
Multi-Tasking Man was clearly irate.  With Super Apathy Lad in the room,
it was no wonder he felt bound to the terminals.
        "Feh.  S'pose."  SAL sighed heavily and almost moved a muscle.  "Nuh,
my m'stake.  Don' feel like w'lkin' alla way t'the TV r'm."
        An exasperated M-TM rubbed his eyes and spoke slowly.  "Why don't you
just teleport there?  You're almost at the 'porter."
        "Mmm.  'kay."  M-TM could see the young hero's muscles stirring under
his skin, but so far the efforts produced no actual movement.  "Mmm, dunno ..."
        "I mean if it's not too much trouble," M-TM quipped, doing Sarcastic
Lad proud.
        "Well, th're'r'a lotta b'tons t'press too . . . "
        Multi-Tasking Man's game of nettrek ended as his ship caught an easily
dodged blast.  "I'll press them!  Just GO!"
        Super Apathy Lad couldn't answer, as all his available energy was going
into his efforts to move the four feet to the teleporter.  Though he appeared
to be the dark horse in a race with tectonic plate motion, he eventually eased
into the teleporter.  His blink was signal enough for M-TM, who promptly
stabbed his hand to the console, sending the well-rested SAL on his way.
        As soon as the transporter was empty, M-TM sighed a major relief.  "Now
I can finally stop loafing . . . "

        Hooded Ho`'od Win went unnoticed in the shadows of the room.  Her mind
was racing.  )>  ah, the turmoil!  i wonder what would transpire, should the
two ever truly conflict . . . NO!  these are my teammates!  i dare not permit
myself the luxury of such conjectures . . . <(  Rigidly controlling her
thoughts, the Matchup Maiden left the computer lab, her cloak swirling in the

                ===============                 ===============

        Hooded Ho`'od Win and Catalyst Lass created a minor stir as they
entered the Net.Hero.Cafe -- Net.ropolis.  The popular chain of restaurant/bars
was decorated entirely in Net.Hero paraphenalia.  Above the bar hung a facsim-
ile of the Tantalizing Teens' Flying Jacuzzi (seats four);  on one wall was Old
Comics Man's costume from when he was just Comics Man; everywhere the head
turned, another interesting piece of Net.trivia hung.
        "I'm so glad you decided to join me!" Catalyst Lass gushed at HHW.
        )>  i didn't think i was hungry until you asked.  (<
        "Y'gotta eat sometime, silly!"
        The maitre'd approached.  "Greetings Miss Lass.  We've reserved the
best table in the house for you.  And a good evening to you too, Ms. Win."
        He led them to the table of honor, reserved for Net.Heroes who might
come in.  It was positioned as much for their enjoyment as to display them to
the rest of the patrons.  The Net.Trivia that hung by this particular table was
a brass plaque with a moldy rabbit's foot attached.  It bore the legend
"Humbug:  the Rabbit from PULP."  Catalyst Lass rubbed the foot as she sat
down, according to the tradition of the table.
        "Well, we'll have good luck now!"
        )> something sorely needed here . . . <( began HHW in her eerie voice.
        Catalyst Lass leaned forward in earnest concern, setting her book
_Torn Bodices_ on the table.  "Something wrong,  Hood?"
        )>  ever since the villain Tsar Chasm visited the HQ, my mood has been
black.  i know he wields the power to battle self-esteem, but his hasty attack
resonated . . . <(                              [see The 3 Day Lull - JJMcC]
        "Oh, Hood, you can't let his comments get to you.  I mean, it's his
_power_ to belittle you -- it's a mind game.  It's not real."
        )>  oh, i comprehend his powers, but this once the fiend stumbled onto
truths.  <(
        "Hood, he panned `Sleepless in Seattle.'  How can you believe anything
he says?" Catalyst Lass inquired incredulously.
        )>  we are long acquainted.  have i ever wielded my powers in your
presence?  have you ever heard of me using my powers?  <(
        "Weeelll . . ."
        )>  you've participated in some of Ultimate Ninja's strike forces.  why
haven't i?  <(
        "You quested for Alt.lactus with us . . ."  CL began.
        )>  my sum contribution to that quest was dialogue.  the truth is,
my powers are a liability to the team -- even assuming i use them, which i
cannot.  <(
        "What do you mean?"
        )>  Rebel Yell and Lurking Girl.  remember them?  <(
        "Of course.  Hey, where've they been . . . "
        )>  precisely.  they've been gone for months, yet i am unwilling to
bring them back.  i am limited to forcing heroes to clash -- this does not make
for effective team building.  at best, the bruised combatants resent my inter-
ference.  at worst, one is injured, perhaps gravely.  and always, the villains
are unaffected.  <(
        "Gee, Hood, I don't know what to say.  I mean, you're my friend . . ."
        )>  that is not the worst of it.  for despite the consequences, a
part of me wants to know -- _needs_ to know -- Ho`'od Win.  though i dare not
exercise my powers, the temptation can be overwhelming . . . therefore, i know
of no other course.  i must leave the Legion and position myself in a sector of
society where there are no interesting conflicts -- perhaps accounting.  my
sanity and the safety of others depends on it.  <(

        "Leave the LNH?"  Catalyst Lass' voice brought the attention of nearby
tables.  She continued in a lower register.  "No, Hood, you can't!  I mean
there are few enough of us girls as it is!  Maybe you just need a boyfriend --
everyone's getting them."  HHW's hood tilted back, indicating her skepticism.
"Oh, wait, I know!"  She opened her novel, pulled out the bookmark.  On it was
a hand-written telephone number.  "There's this psychiatrist that advertises
during Ge.Net.al Hospital, says he specializes in Net.Hero problems.  I was
saving his number for Ultimate Ninja, but . . . his name is Dr. Brian Trust.
Y'know, 'a name you can Trust, serving the Net.Hero community since 1993.'"
        )>  a psychiatrist?  i don't know Cat . . . <(
        "At least give it a chance, ok?  He might be able to help.  Look at it
this way, wouldn't you like to know Ho`'od Win:  your problems or modern
psychoanalysis?"  HHW was obviously reluctant.  "How about this.  Make an ap-
pointment -- if you still want to leave after a few sessions, I won't stand in
your way.  What do you say?"
        A sigh came from the depths of HHW's hood.  )>  you are very persuasive
Cat. i suppose i could give it a try.  <(
        "Great!  I'm sure he'll be able to help.  And after we order,  I want
your input on the formal ball I'm thinking about for Valentine's Day . . ."

                ===============                 ===============

        "Very good.  I know you had reservations about filling out the form,
but we can't treat you without full information."  Dr. Trust leafed through
the six page questionnaire.  "So your powers are to teleport Net.Heroes to
your present location and compel them to fight?"  The Hood nodded.  "And your
greatest angst is fighting the compulsion to do this, fearing ostracism from
your friends, or worse?  I see.  It will take a couple days to work up a full
treatment program.  Today I think a spot of hypno-therapy may help."
        )>  i think hypnotism would be exceedingly dangerous, doctor.  without
my conscious will holding the desire in check . . . <(
        "Please Ms. Win.  I am a professional.  Besides, I merely want some
details from your past, I'll leave your troubled psyche alone for now."
        )>  very well.  but be careful.  <(
        Dr. Trust lowered the lights and set a complicated-looking electronic
device on the desk in front of HHW.  "Just stare at the lights the machine
produces.  It serves the same purpose as the cliche'd watch chain."
        )>  isn't that needlessly expensive?  <(
        "Well, few insurance companies will pay for a watch chain, but the
Hypno-Master 4800 . . . "  The psychiatrist shrugged.  He put on a pair of
goggles, then turned on the lamp-sized device.  Swirling colors spiraled
around HHW.  The psychiatrist  spoke in low tones.  "I've got it set to 'Party
Tricks' -- the lowest setting.  Just relax,  look at the lights and listen to
my voice."
        )>  i don't think i'm very easily hypno-tis . . . uuhhh  <(  The Hypno-
Master 4800 worked its magic.
        "Now, Hooded Ho`'od Win.  What gives you cause to fear using your
        Her normally-hollow voice was even more monotone as she answered from
the depths of her hood.  )>  nothing good has ever come from its use, save
my own selfish gratification.  <(
        "Have you ever caused harm using your powers?"  HHW was silent for a
long time.  Dr, Trust nearly repeated his question when she gave her response.
        )>  before i joined the Legion, i led a relatively normal life.  i
dated an amateur hockey player.  it was not an intensely serious relationship,
but neither was it trivial.  one evening, we were together viewing a Buffalo
Sabres game.  normally i relish sports, nothing excites me more than to
watch a close game and see . . . Ho`'od Win.  this particular game was unin-
teristing, the Sabres were outplayed badly.  so badly, i began wondering . . .
how would my paramour fare against them?
        )>  we had both had a few drinks:  not enough to get drunk, but more
than enough to impair my self-control.  the more i wondered, the more i needed
to know . . . Ho`'od Win.  the next thing i knew, my boyfriend was no longer
on the couch.  i saw him in the TV screen -- assaulting the Sabres' bench.
they beat the stuffing out of him.  he had been unaware of my powers before
that.  it was the end of our relationship.  <(
        "You mentioned losing control as if you were aware you could harm him.
Obviously you suffered a previous trauma.  Can you go further in the past?"
        )>  yes.  i . . . i  <(  HHW abruptly snapped out of her trance.
)>   . . . ed.  my will is strongly resistant.  you're welcome to try to hypno-
tise me though. <(
        Dr. Trust smiled.  "I just did.  It was most illucidating.   You told
me about your hockey player."  HHW was obviously discomforted with her
revelations.  "You need time to trust me.  Why don't we break for today, and
try again next week.  I assume you are covered by the LNH Health Plan?"

                ===============                 ===============

        HHW had just left via the shadows.  Dr. Trust turned to his desk and
rubbed his hands together gleefully.  "Of all the shrink shops, in all the
cities in all the world, she walked into mine.  Mine!  When I started running
those ads, I was hoping for some LNHer to give me information on Master
Blaster.  But Hooded Ho`'od Win!  All I need to do is plant a hypnotic sugges-
tion, get her to wonder Ho`'od Win:  Master Blaster or Ultimate Ninja!  When
the Ninja slays him, I will have my revenge on MB for ruining my plans . . .
I, Dr. Trush!                           [see Dagger of the Mind by MP - JJMcC]
        "All I need to do first is break down that infernal wall of id, then
the Hooded One will be my instrument of Revenge!  Finally, Vengeance is mine!"

                ===============                 ===============

        Catalyst Lass pored over a list she had made at her desk.  "Let's
see, C-E Lad could ask aLLiterative Lass.  Particle Man and Sing-Along Lass.
Master Blaster and Sister State-the-Obvious.  Sarcastic Lad could take Token
Girl.  Deja Dude and Julie.  Organic Lass and Pocket Man, assuming she hasn't
killed him.        [see Passion Fishing before the Elders outlaw it! - JJMcC]
Bandwagon Girl will take Hamster Man if everyone else goes.  Ordinary Lady and
Ultimate Ninja -- I mean he is mellowing out.  Me and Invisible Incendiary.  If
we could just find Rebel Yell and Lurking Girl . . . "
        )>  hello Cat.  what are you doing?  <(  HHW emerged from the shadows.
        Catalyst Lass jumped in her chair.  "Wow, you scared me!  I'll have
to light this place better so you have to use the door."  She smiled at her
friend.  "I was just looking over the possible guest list for the Valentine's
        )>  Cat, none of those people are actually 'couples' besides Deja and
Julie and the former Pocket Man.  Are you not getting ahead of yourself?  <(
        "Oh no!  I mean, I just needed an idea how many would attend.  I need
to get the band, the hall, the catering, the decorations.  There's so much to
do, but I think it's doable by February.  Would you like to be on the decora-
tions committee?"
        HHW backed up a step.  )>  no, i just came by thank you for sending me
to Dr. Trust.  i think he may really help.  <(
        Down the hall, Irony Man eyed his detector.  "I've really got to get
this thing calibrated less finely."

        "That's great, Hood!  Should I start lining up a date for you?"
        )>  i had better get going . . . <(
        "Wait!  What about the committee . . . " But HHW had faded back into
the shadows.

                ===============                 ===============

        )>  i guess it worked last time, doctor, but i doubt you will . . .
uhhh <(  HHW was seated in Dr. Trush's office.  The pulsing lights of the
Hypno-Master 4800 got her again.  Trush had cranked the device up to the
'Unhealthy Candor' setting.
        "Last time we spoke about your hockey-player.  I would like you to go
back farther in your memory.  When have your powers caused enough harm to
scar you psychologically?"  HHW paused dramatically before answering.
        )>  as an adolescent, i was a rock'n'roll fan.  my favorite groups
where the Who and Led Zeppelin.  like many typical teenagers, i idolized
these performers way beyond their talents, beyond reason.  my favorite
musicians were the drummers in these bands.  i always wondered . . . Ho`'od Win
. . . in a drum solo competition.
        )>  at a typical teen party, i . . . partook of typical teen experi-
mentation.  though i knew it was wrong, i succumbed to peer pressure.  again,
my self-control was weakened.  later, as i listened to my 8-tracks, i became
overpowered by the need to know . . . Ho`'od Win.  Keith Moon and John Bonham
appeared before me, ready to do battle.  i was awed by my idols, but my bedroom
was sadly unfitted with a drum set.  the two discussed it, then decided that
since there was no drum set, they would instead match skills at the, ah,
drinking table.
        )>  for most of the night, they matched each other drink for drink,
growing increasingly incoherent and abrasive.  finally, they passed out
simultaneously.  my curiosity satiated, i called the contest a draw and they
returned to their beds.  i later learned that both died on their vomit.  <(
        "Surely they died years apart."
        )>  true.  apparently i can bring people across time from their
last moments if the curiosity is strong enough.  <(
        "Fascinating.  So in Moon's case, you snatched him from the time stream
just before a death you caused!"
        )>  do not think on it too hard, doctor.  that way lies madness.  <(
        Dr. Trush began pacing his disco-lit office.  "Indeed.  But here you
also refer to a loss of control.  So prior even to this episode, you were
reluctant to indulge your curiosity.  When was it that you first learned of the
need for control?  We must know this if you can be helped."
        HHW jerked spasmodically  )>  i . . . i . . . <(  Again, her voice
resumed its normal hollow tones.  )> . . . be able to hypnotize me again.  but
here goes . . . <(  HHW noticed that Dr. Trush had moved since she had started
her trance.  To her it appeared he had teleported.  )>  it worked again didn't
it.  <(
        "Yes.  We're making excellent progress.  Perhaps your next visit will
give us the key to your psyche."  Trush thought further, "And with it, the key
to my revenge!  Mwah-ha-ha."

                ===============                 ===============

        The katana flashed in the air of the Peril Room, spraying blood and
spandex-clad limbs.  LNH members fell like threshed wheat before the martial
artist at the eye of the storm of gore.  Hooded Ho`'od Win watched from the
control room, her fingers lingering above the VHS recorder STOP button.
        Sword wiped clean, the figure strode to an override button and pushed
it.  The battlefield vanished, leaving a satisfied looking Ordinary Lady in
the antiseptic Peril Room.  HHW stopped her recording and retrieved it from
the cassette player.
        "Who's there?  Ordinary Lady called from the Peril Room.  HHW toyed
with the idea of melting into the shadows.  Instead, she approached the observ-
ation window.  )>  it is only she who must know . . . Who`'od Win  <(
        "Hey, Hood.  How'd I do?"
        )>  not bad.  only a few seconds off UN.  <(
        Ordinary Lady mopped her brow.  "Well, I've seen him do it once or
twice."  She joined the Hooded One in the control room.
        )>  indeed.  i myself have the entire collection of his training
fights.  he has never lost.  <(
        "You've got them all?  Do you think I could borrow some sometime?
I've only seen his latest moves, and there may be something to learn from
them."  Ordinary Lady blushed and looked at the floor.  "Besides, I just
like to watch him."
        )>  have you been speaking with Catalyst Lass?  <(
        "As a matter of fact, I have.  Don't you think her Valentine's Ball
is a great idea?  I'm on the music committee."  HHW's body language expressed
skepticism, as her features were ever obscured by her hood and cloak.  "I know,
it seems silly now, but it seemed like a good idea when we spoke."
        )>  in any case, you can certainly borrow the tapes, whenever you
wish <(

        The females' conversation was interrupted by Multi-Tasking Man, who
entered the Peril Room agitatedly.  "Ladies.  Would you mind letting me use
the room?  I have an urgent need for training."
        "Sure M-TM.  See you later, Hood."  Ordinary Lady left to shower.
        HHW faded into the shadows, but continued to observe the Peril Room.
The Master of Multiplicity spoke to the computer.  "Computer, run Super
Apathy Lad Clone scenario #6."
        As HHW looked on, fifteen Super Apathy Lads appeared in the Peril Room.
Multi-Tasking Man started by launching a flying drop kick to the nearest one,
but was soon multitasking to combat all fifteen at once.  It was obvious that
the computer was not simulating SAL's Apathy Effect, though it did a fair job
replicating his minimal movements and indifference to physical pain.  Eventual-
ly, only a panting M-TM remained standing.  He muttered to himself, "Now
_that's_ a productive day.  Hopefully the real one is out of the computer room
by now ..."
        HHW thought to herself )>  of course that was no contest, but if the
_real_ SAL had been in there, i wonder how M-TM would have fared?  <(   Her
train of thought startled her a moment, but then she commented, )> perhaps
this hypno-therapy is working, after all.  i am not panicked by needing to
know . . . Ho`'od Win.  <(

                ===============                 ===============

        "You've made excellent progress Ms. Win.  I am confident that today we
will finally break down your psychological barriers, and have you on your
way to a more fulfilling life."  Trush smiled evilly as he thought, "Either
that, or prison!"
        )>  i, too, am confident, Doctor Trust.  i am ready to be . . . uuhh <(
Trush had previously set the Hypno-Master 4800 to 'Possible Psyche Damage', the
maximum setting.
        "Now Ms. Win, perhaps you are ready to reveal the source of your block.
Why do you fear your powers so much?"  Dr. Trush leaned forward, the lights of
the Hypno-Master 4800 reflecting dramatically off his protective goggles.
        Hooded Ho`'od Win tossed fitfully in her chair.  Her voice echoed from
her hood like a dead thing.  )>  i was just a little girl, living on Daddy's
farm.  my favorite comic book was 'Baby Huey' about a giant baby duck -- the
book was my lifeblood.  the antics of the simple giant captured my youthful
imagination.  but the day we got a television was the beginning of the end.
i saw my first Jolly Green Giant commercial.
        )>  at first, i was merely obsessed with the animation.  soon, however,
i began comparing the two giants.  it wasn't long before i started wondering
. . . Who`'od Win.  
        )>  next thing i knew, the earth was shaking.  in Daddy's fields, the
Green Giant let out a malevolent 'Ho ho ho' and slung Baby Huey by his
diaper.  the two fought ferociously, destroying most of the farm until Huey
dealt a wicked kick to the Giant's crotch.  it's no wonder his offspring have
stunted in growth.  the Giant toppled . . . onto the farm house.  <(
        The Matchup Maiden began shaking.  Her voice rose.  )>  most of my
family was killed instantly.  i survived.  and all because i needed to know
 . . . WHO`'OD WIN!  <(  HHW's body tensed horrible, the effects of the
Hypno-Master stripping her mind bare.
        Dr. Trush stood triumphantly.  "Ha ha!  The key!  That is why you
fear your powers, because they orphaned you!  First, I will cure you of your
mental block.  Then we shall use your unfettered powers to find out Who`'od Win
 . . . Ultimate Ninja or Master Blaster!
        Dr. Trush got into the mouth of HHW's hood.  "Hooded Ho`'od Win, your
mind is a slate.  I am erasing your fears.  The control you have over your will
is now complete.  You are no longer a naive young girl, but a woman with full
control over everything you do.  It is child's play for you to see Who`'od Win,
yet terminate the conflict before injury -- no longer must these fights
progress to an unhappy end.  Do you understand?"
        HHW nodded her hood stiffly as her hands worked spasmodically.
        "Do you believe?"
        <(  Yes.  I now have full control over my powers! )>
        "Prove it.  Summon Ultimate Ninja and Master Blaster, and let's see
 . . . Who`'od Win!"  Dr. Trush's voice rose victoriously.  Once the two were
here, he could easily undo the fix he had placed in HHW's psyche.  The Hypno-
Master still held  HHW in its thrall.  As long as it did, her mind was his to
mold.  Ah, the glories of the psychiatric profession!  "Quickly!  We must know
 . . . Who`'od Win!  The desire is unbearable!"
        HHW groaned a zombie-like sound.  Her fists went in the air.  <(  The
Conflict comes!  A question to be resolved by She Who Must Know . . . Who`'od
Win.  Appear now . . . . . Multi-Tasking Man and Super Apathy Lad! )>
        "What?!"  Dr. Trush panicked.  "No, no!  Who cares about them?  We need
to see . . ."  Before the psychiatrist could continue, M-TM and SAL appeared on
opposite sides of his office, ready for combat.  Immediately, SAL's Apathy
Effect hit the doctor like a ton of bricks.  He sat down heavily on his desk.
Conversely, HHW recovered herself, lashed out a cloaked fist and shattered the
Hypno-Master 4800.  "Hmm.  why'za?"  asked Trush dully as HHW stood dramatic-
ally, her cloak flowing around her.

        M-TM and SAL meanwhile launched into combat.  SAL fell limply to the
couch, even more apathetic than usual.  M-TM launched a flying kick, a
roundhouse, threw a chair at his foe, and tried to upset the couch.  Unfor-
tunately, his roundhouse lacked force, he couldn't summon the energy to pick up
the chair or the couch, and landed on his rear three feet short of his kick
target.  "All my tasks are bogging down!" he muttered through clenched teeth.
"Maybe if I unite them into one dedicated process, their combined momentum will
get through."
        "Feh," said SAL, his head lolling loosely.
        One by one, M-TM brought all his disparate tasks to bear on rising and
delivering a haymaker to He Who Doesn't Care.  Slowly he stalked across the
office.  SAL sagged even more as he reached depths of apathy even he had not
previously plumbed.  Breathing became an annoyance.
        Half of his body nearly limp, M-TM concentrated all his flagging will
into one raised fist . . .

        <(  STOP.  The conflict is resolved.  There is no need for further
contention. )>  As simply as that, M-TM and SAL returned to the Computer Room.

        Dr. Trush shook his head and started to rise.  He looked at HHW ner-
vously.  "Um, you see?  I have cured you after all.  Heh, heh."
        <(  Do not play the healer with me, doctor.  Your preoccupation with
Master Blaster has revealed you to be the psychotic psychiatrist Dr. Trush!  )>
        "But what did me in?  My plan was brilliant!"
        <(  You overlooked two things.  Firstly, you assumed that the hypnotism
would hold me during the battle.  But She Who Must Know . . . Who`'od Win . . .
cannot be prevented from watching, once the Conflict has started.  This is
the reason I survived the Jolly Green Giant's fall.  Even the Combatants have
no power over me during the Conflict.  Thus I was also immune to SAL's powers.
        <(  Secondly, you assumed an Ultimate Ninja/Master Blaster Conflict
would hold interest for me.  You couldn't know that I have hundreds of tapes of
UN defeating the _entire LNH_, Master Blaster included.  Your misfortune was
banking on a conflict that held no mystery for me.  Instead, you merely
brought to the fore a conflict I needed to know . . . Who`'od Win.  )>

                ===============                 ===============

        Catalyst Lass stuck her head into Hooded Ho`'od Win's room.  "Hey,
Hood!" she bubbled.  "Glad to hear you decided to stay in the LNH."
        <(  Yes.  As ironic as it seems, Dr. Trush actually did help me
immensely.  In return I opted not to prosecute him.  )>
        "Not prosecute??  Hood, he tried to use you for revenge."
        <(  Maybe.  But a cure is a cure.  In fact, I even referred some new
business to him.  )>
        "You WHAT?"
        HHW's hollow voice took a humorous edge.  <( Apparently, Master
Blaster is suddenly very insecure and in need of a psychiatrist . . . )>
        "Master Blaster insecure . . . ?  OH! Ha ha ha. . .  By the way, who
ever did win between M-TM and SAL?"
        <(  I did not permit the battle to go to its conclusion, but I have no
doubt . . . Who`'od Win.  )>
        "Well?" Cat asked, sidling closer.
        <(  SAL nearly disabled all of M-TM's tasks, but in so doing he took
himself to new levels of apathy.  Though M-TM could only land a weak blow,
SAL no longer cared whether he remained conscious.  A deep breath from M-TM
would have put him out.  )>
        "Well, what's next for you?  There's still room on the decorations
committee . . ."
        HHW glanced at her terminal.  <( Actually, now that I know my powers
can be tightly controlled, I think it is time someone located Rebel Yell
and Lurking Girl.  Master Roster Man shows them as being coopted by someone
named 'Scab'  . . . )>

                ===============                 ===============

        NEXT ISSUE:  Rebel Yell!  Lurking Girl!  Ok, we don't have rights to
                        them, but that won't keep _Triple Play_ #2 from
                        being titled:

                        "The Lack of Faith"

        Coming in December.     

                ===============                 ===============
Our players:

        Hooded Ho`'od Win.......on loan from wReam
        Multi-Tasking Man.......Jeff the Wonder Llama
        Super Apathy Lad........Mark Rochette

        Catalyst Lass...........via Public Domain
        Ordinary Lady...........via Martin Phipps
        Dr. Trush...............via Martin Phipps
        Net.Heroes Cafe.........shamelessly stolen from dvandom

        and all the cameos . . .

special thanks to:
        the Buffalo Sabres Hockey Club, Keith Moon and the Who, John Bonham and
        Led Zeppelin, Baby Huey and the Jolly Green Giant, all of whom appear
        without permission,

and to:
        Humprhey Bogart for key snatches of conversation.  And Martin for

Next Week:  The First Part of Looniverse Adrift!

Arthur "Same Classic Channel.  But Same Time?  Probably not." Spitzer

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