MISC: GODLING # 57 Rescue Mission part 2 by J. Vandersteen

jvdsteen1974 at gmail.com jvdsteen1974 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 14:12:22 PDT 2016

GODLING # 57  Rescue Mission part 2 by J. Vandersteen 

– GODLING – THE ONE MAN PANTHEON:  Rescue Mission part 2

On the ground floor of a missile silo Godling is standing face to face with a mind-controlled Agent Destruction who is ready to attack.
     “Wait! Don’t! I’m here to rescue you!” Godling pleads, his hands up defensively.
     Agent Destruction’s massive fist connects with Godling’s chin, an uppercut that sends the hero flying upwards. He lands on a balcony structure a level higher. If he hadn’t channelled the invulnerability of Achilles he’d probably be dead.
    Agent Destruction jumps a level higher, facing The One Man Pantheon again. Godling nails him with one of his biggest punches ever, chanelling the strength of Heracles. Agent Destruction flies from the balcony against the wall at the other side. The fact the wall is only dented shows how tough the silo’s walls are.
    “I don’t want to fight you, but I don’t want you to kill me either. Snap out of it, man!” GOdling tells the monstrous soldier. 
    Agent Destruction, getting up from the floor, brushing off some debris from the wall answers with the word “DESTROY!” and his eye-beams.
    Godling jumps out of the way as the beam disintegrate the balcony he was on. He lands, rolls and gets up in front of Agent Destruction, treating him to a flurry of superpowered punches. It seems to hardly hurt the monstrous soldier who hits the hero in the neck, bringing him to his knees.
    “I was just in time switching from Heracles strength to Achilles invulnerability or my neck would be broken,” Godling understands. Before he can do anything to fight back he is kicked across the silo again, landing against the missile in the middle of the silo.

Cyborg Prime, seeing the battle play out across a huge screen in his secret headquarters is pleased, “The mind control unit works perfectly. He is doing just what we want him to do. Protect the missile with deadly force.”
     One of the cyborgs in the control room mentions, “Aren’t you afraid he will wreck the missile doing it?”
     “What? Do you dare doubt my…” Cyborg Prime starts, a fist clenched in anger. Then he notices a slight dent in the missile where Godling landed against it. “Maybe we should just go ahead and fire the missile. Why wait any longer?”
     “Sir, are you sure it is ready?” the cyborg asks again.
      Cyborg Prime slaps the cyborg with enough force to knock him off his chair. “Silence!” He then speaks to the other cyborgs, “Ready the A.I.M. Our Artificial Intelligence Missile is ready to destroy the White House and disrupt the United States so our army of cyborgs can invade it.”

The missile starts to rumble. Godling gives it a worried look as Agent Destruction comes running at him, fist ready.
     “Looks like that rocket is going to start. Not sure where it’s headed but I can’t just let it go!” Godling thinks and grabs onto it with Heracles strength. The missile rocks and rumbles, thrusters powering up, Godling using all possible strength to keep it grounded but slowy failing, drops of perspiration raining down his face, muscles bulging.
     Agent Destruction runs into the hero, making him let go of the missile. The A.I.M. launches as Agent Destruction crashes Godling into the wall. He tries to squeeze the life out of The One Man Pantheon who sees one option to escape.
    “Whatever that thing on his head is, I’m betting it’s the thing making him a bad guy. Time to get rid of it,” he thinks and crashes his head into Agent Destruction’s shattering the weird helmet he’s wearing.
     It leaves Agent Destruction confused, and he lets go of Godling. “Huh? What happened? What am I doing here? Godling? What are you doing here?”
     “I’ll give you the basics. I was sent here to free you from the Cyborg League. It seems they created a mind control device to make you protect some sort of missile. I destroyed the device and here you are again, more or less your self,” Godling says.
     Agent Destruction looks up. “Looks like the missile is on its way. And wherever it’s going we probably don’t want it to.”
     “Pretty sure you’re right. Let’s stop it! Come on!” Godling flies up, grabbing Agent Destruction.


“This looks bad! Agent Destruction is not controlled by us anymore!” a cyborg in the Cyborg League control room mentions.
     “I’m not worried. The A.I.M. is an incredible machine and we have enough cyborgs to keep Godling busy! Sent some troops there!”


Godling tries to fly fast enough to keep up with the rocket, but Agent Destruction is slowing him down.
     “Let’s just shoot that thing out of the sky!” Agent Destruction says and fires his eye-beams. The robotic face on the missile says, “Attack anticipated. Evading.” It manages to evade the beams.
      A dozen of cyborgs arrives at the scene, using jetpacks to fly. They fire their guns at the heroes.
      “Let me catch those for you,” Agent Destruction says and Godling uses him as a human shield. The concrete hide of the supersoldier isn’t harmed by the gunfire.
      “Get me above them and let me go,” Agent Destruction tells Godling who does just that. Like a cannonball the monstrous commando drops down on top of two cyborgs, taking them down to earth where they crash into the ground. Only Agent Destruction emerges.
      Godling uses some fancy flying to evade the gunfire, finally managing to grab hold of a cyborg, hitting him with his mace to take him out. He grabs the cyborg’s gun and uses it to shoot the other cyborgs’ jetpacks to bits. They all go down.
      “That takes care of that, now to take down that missile,” he straps on one of the jetpacks and flies after the missile. “Since I can now use this jetpack to fly I can channel a different power, like Zeus’…”
       He throws a lightning bolt at the A.I.M. The missile evades it again and says, “Under attack again. Counterattack needed.” It suddenly turns around and flies right at the surprised Godling.
       “Hades! It’s coming right at me! But that might not be so bad… Let’s how invulnerable Achilles really was…” In the air he braces himself as the missile smashes into him, ripping in half and exploding, blinding Agent Destruction down on the ground for a moment as debris rains.
         Godling is on fire, falling down to the ground. Agent Destruction runs towards him planning to catch him but he’s too late and the One Man Pantheon crashes down.
         Agent Destruction helps him up. Godling’s suit is ripped up, his hair is a mess, but otherwise he seems unharmed.
         “Look like he was pretty damned invulnerable,” Godling says.
        “What?” Agent Destruction asks.
         “Never mind,” Godling answers. “Looks we destroyed that missile.”
        “Looks like YOU did indeed,” the supersoldier says and points to the horizon. “There’s more of those cyborgs coming. You want to take them on?”
       “To be honest, I’m done fighting for now. We completed the mission, I think we’d better get out of here and see about coming back later,” Godling says.
      Agent Destruction puts on a cyborg’s jetpack. “Lead the way.” And they fly away from the island.

In the control room Cyborg Prima smashes his fist into a big screen, breaking it. “Damn! How could this happen! That wasn’t supposed to happen due to A.I.M.’s self-defense mechanism. You will pay for that, Godling! YOU WILL PAY!”

NEXT: Godling In Court

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