TOF: The Truth About Fiction #6

Scott Eiler seiler at
Tue Jun 9 19:56:31 PDT 2015

On 6/9/2015 7:07 AM, Michael D Friedman wrote:
> "I think we should GO," Jamal repeats in a loud whisper.
> "What is wrong with you?" I finally respond,, exasperated. As I turn
> to berate my rather large friend, I believe I see my dead father out of
> the corner of my eye. It couldn't be? Could it?
> Doesn't matter. What I see when I look at Jamal does.
> Jamal's goldfish is floating in mid-air about a foot above his
> fishbowl. He's glowing a neon-green color and he's staring right at me.
> "Don't go to the Mansion," says the goldfish.
> And with that, Jamal faints.

Oh, is *that* how I'm supposed to react when I'm on a vision quest and 
my spirit-guide animal exhibits magic powers and talks to me?  Or is 
someone just not cut out for vision quests?  Perhaps associating with 
the Weekly World News is more of a link to spiritual advancement.  8{D>

(signed) Scott Eiler  8{D> -------- ---------

When you *are* the leader... whatever goes wrong... whether you did it
or not... *you* are held responsible. - Barack Obama

I know. - Archie Andrews

- from Archie #617, March 2011, scripted by Alex Simmons.

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