8FOLD: Mighty Medley # 19, July 2015, by Messrs. Brenton, Perron, Russell, and Stokes

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Wed Jul 8 19:29:56 PDT 2015

> ----------------------------------------------------
> ---------------THE CREATIVE PROCESS-----------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
> -----------Copyright 2015 Andrew Perron-------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
>    She was brighter than everything around her, more intense, like a
> childhood memory or an acid trip. She looked just like I had imagined
> her, but with all the little details that the decadence of reality
> affords.
>   "But how...?" My clumsy tongue tripped over a question I wasn't even
> sure meant anything. "You're *you*! You're *here*! You can't be here!"
>    She grinned the grin that had destroyed tyrants and toppled empires.
> "Remember the tlonic event?"
>    I shook my head. That couldn't be. "Those require hundreds of
> thousands, millions of people, a massive shift in belief systems and
> perception!"
>    She shook her head right back. "You've never believed that you're
> enough, have you?"

... Now that's the kind of story I think of trying to duplicate.  But 
I'll have to think some more before I try it.  In my continuum, the best 
Magic Warrior From Elsewhere I can come up with is actually Spider-Woman 
Jessica Drew.  8{O>

>    Tears formed in the corners of my eyes, liquid light lifting away
> from my face and rising, smacking into the ceiling like raindrops.
> "What will you do?"
>    "Fight."
>    "Where?"
>    "I'll take you." She bent down, and clasped my head, and she was
> alive and flesh and real, and I rose, and we walked, together, back
> into the light, and I

I gather you meant to end the story abruptly.  Your Editor would 
probably have called you on it if you hadn't.

> ----------------------------------------------------
> -----------------BEYOND THE FIELDS------------------
> ---------------------Part 18------------------------
> -----------Copyright 2015 Saxon Brenton-------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ...
>      It would be enough, but he wished he could do more. The problem
> was that although he knew intellectually what needed to be done, he
> could not commit himself emotionally as much as he wanted. He had
> resigned himself to the necessity of it all, and had achieved a state
> of calm determination. And the ritual of self-sacrifice would work
> just fine with calm determination. But a better way, a more effective
> way, was that he do this out of love, out of the pure spiritual joy of
> knowing that the world would be a better place because of his actions.
>     ....
>      Well, life was not fair. He would have to make do with what was
> within his abilities, and hope that it wouldn't slow down the
> cleansing of the arcanosphere too much.
>     Marcus watched the passing countryside through the train's window.
> Soon now. Very soon.

Well, that is an interesting sort of Reluctant Hero.

> ----------------------------------------------------
> ---------------- EMPRESS OF PAGES ------------------
> ----------------------Part 6------------------------
> -----------Copyright 2015 Colin Stokes--------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ...
>     =Now, Fn'ordh Rael,= the Librarian continued, her use of even
> merely /part/ of his true name making the daemon shiver involuntarily,
> =I know full well I ask much of you, and more yet that you do not
> know. But I propose not servitude; rather, a partnership of sorts.
> With you, and with others sympathetic to my aims - but you would be
> the foremost among them, if you so choose.  I make this offer but
> once,= she added quickly, the note of warning in her voice louder than
> any words.
>     "You drive a hard bargain, Librarian," Fn'ordh murmured, feeling his pulse
> quicken in anticipation. A golden opportunity from the golden-eyed lady...
>     =I intend to succeed,= she returned. =That is my one desire; I
> /will/ have it.=
>     "As I see," Fn'ordh murmured. "Now, Librarian, I shall speak of /my/ desire."

... Oh, my, I'm starting to root for the demon now.

> ----------------------------------------------------
> --------------------AILUROMANCER--------------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ------------Copyright 2015 Tom Russell--------------
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ...
>     She closed the gate behind her. A few of the local cats were
> staring at her, startled. They then explained, in their wordless way,
> that June was only the second cat that had ever returned from the Dark
> Place.

I'm still not sure whether June is a cat or a very sympathetic human. 
The proprietor of the Dark Place Beyond The Gate seemed not to care 
either way.

>     That night, every cat within five miles of the house disappeared.
> Strays and squatters, backyard serenaders and park-prowlers,
> sneak-thieves and mousers, scratchers and kneaders, all gone. For the
> outside-cats, few noticed their absence, but the inside-cats caused
> several hours of panic as their "owners" frantically searched for
> their dandy-boys and haughty princesses, checking all the favorite and
> familiar hiding places over and again in frantic rotation. Then: there
> he was the whole time, but didn't I look there, and what do you have
> in your mouth, some kind of hair, it's slick and long and brown.

Hey, that's like the plot of the RACC-Con Challenge, only without Brad 
Pitt!  8{D>

(signed) Scott Eiler  8{D> -------- http://www.eilertech.com/ ---------

When you *are* the leader... whatever goes wrong... whether you did it
or not... *you* are held responsible. - Barack Obama

I know. - Archie Andrews

- from Archie #617, March 2011, scripted by Alex Simmons.

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