HCC: HCC #55: Required Elements

Michael D Friedman mdfriedman at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 09:14:55 PDT 2015

Hey folks! Time for a new High Concept Challenge. One of the things I was so busy with in my most recent RACC hiatus was the 48 Hour Film Project. It's a fun contest where you have 48 Hours to write/shoot/edit a film and you have to fit in a prop, a line of dialogue and a character to prove you shot it in that 48 hour period. 

So, I'm not going to ask you to write a story in 48 Hours, but I am going to give you a prop, a line of dialogue and a character that you must put in your story. And just to make this a bit different and interesting, I'm going to add a required animal and location.

These should be integral to the story in some way, hopefully not just throw away bits. I guess you could go with throw-away bits if you wanted, but part of the fun is working these into a story. Bonus points if you can work it into your current on-going series.

Anyway, here are the required elements:

PROP: A rotary telephone
LINE OF DIALOGUE: "That's not the way it's supposed to be."
CHARACTER: Ron or Rhonda Finlayson, convenience store clerk
ANIMAL: A turtle
LOCATION: A baseball field

Have fun with it... I'm giving you until 8/26, because why not?

- Mike.

(I've never done one of these before, so let me know if I did something wrong.)

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