MISC: GODLING # 48 All-American Hero style? by J. Vandersteen

jvdsteen1974 at gmail.com jvdsteen1974 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 03:32:04 PDT 2015

Op maandag 20 april 2015 01:23:54 UTC+2 schreef Andrew Perron:
> On 4/16/2015 4:15 PM, jvdsteen1974 at gmail.com wrote:
> <snip>
> > Four bearded, armed men carrying AK-47's stand in a darkened room.
> Hmmmmmmf. This whole scene felt kinda flat, from the carbon-copy 
> zero-interiority terrorists to what he did to them. I mean, I know you're 
> establishing Mark as doing stereotypical action hero things because he's 
> influenced by that whole media landscape and idea of what a "hero" is, but in 
> exploring that, I would have preferred a little more focus on what makes these 
> techniques fucked-up over on the side of... man, I don't even know what 
> country this takes place in. Or who these people are - does "prototype 
> al-Qaida" mean that organization, or someone else who's using the same techniques?
I just wanted to show very quickly how this Godling differs from the other one without starting a new plot (have enough of those running now) .

> >"Naga... Look around you... There is my sacrifice," The Dark Monk
>  > tells the snake. The creature attacks the sitting monks, biting, swallowing
>  > and killing.
> So did they know this was going to happen, or? `.`

They did not. Dark Monk is such an a-hole ;-)

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