LNH/REVIEW: Kid Review's Roundup - June 2014

Arthur Spitzer arspitzer at earthlink.net
Mon Jul 7 21:16:47 PDT 2014

On 7/7/14 6:06 PM, Scott Eiler wrote:
> On 7/7/2014 4:17 PM, Andrew Perron wrote:
>>      As I've said before, feedback makes communities stronger, and we
>> have some people in our commuity who are *really good* at feedback.
>> Saxon, I love your opinions and how you express them. Tom, I've also
>> been reading *your* reviews from 2006, and they're great. Scott,
>> you're... kind of already doing that; good job, keep it up.
> Hooray!  I'm adequate!  8{D>
>>     I'd like to challenge everyone on RACC to do either one review or one
>> substantive reply to someone else's story per month. And that includes
>> you lurkers out there! I see you!
>>     Probably we won't all be able to keep that up, but I think it's worth
>> a bit of a try. What do you think, sirs?"
> You've already seen my philosophy in action.  I think reviewing
> shouldn't be a chore, so I try to keep mine short and zippy.  And I
> don't feel I need to score review points - which would be wrong here
> because here I am, piggybacking on *yours*.
> (Everything else I wanted to comment on, I think I already have.  Arthur
> knows where to find my comments on Facebook.)

And I thank you and Andrew for all the effort you make in commenting and 
stuff.  I've always wanted to try writing some Review thingee, but never 
seem to get around to it.

But I'd probably use whatever energy I have for writing RACC stuff into 
writing more fiction (which I can't seem to do anymore either -- really 
wanted to write an LNHY story for like the 10th anniversary, but can't 
think of anything worthwhile...)

Arthur "Feedback is Hard..." Spitzer

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