MISC: The Great Alice, Chapter 3: The First Encounter

Andrew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Sat Jul 5 09:55:58 PDT 2014

                             The Great Alice
                      Chapter 3: The First Encounter

   Alice spun around to face whatever was making that noise, a small part
of her hoping it was the unknown person from before. That part
evaporated when she saw the beasts.

   There were a lot of them, and they were hard to tell apart, due to
each and every one being blood red. She was only able to tell them apart
from each other by their pitch-black eyes.

   After a second, a thought crossed Alice's mind. Shit! Then another
thought. I can't fight this! She ran to the building, stopping only to
close and lock the door. She didn't even notice how fast she moved -
mostly because she did notice five of the monsters coming in with her.

   She was so scared she wasn't able to think when the monsters charged
her - she was only able to react. She ducked under the ones charging
directly at her. Before they could notice she was behind them, she
grabbed one and threw it into a wall. The others turned around, but too
late for one, as it took a fist to the side of its face. Using the same
arm she elbowed another of the blood-red beasts. One of them managed to
rake her across the face, but it only got punched for its efforts. The
final monster grabbed her from behind. She flipped it over and stomped
on it, and it dissipated into nothing.

   Holy crap. That, was awesome! thought Alice.

   "Over here!" a voice called out from a confessional booth. "It's me!"

   Alice, recognizing the voice as the one from before, walked to the
confessional and tried to open the closed booth.

   "No, not that one! Go into the one next to it."

   Alice did so, hoping she could get some answers.

   After entering the confessional booth, Alice immediately started with,
"So why don't I have all the stuff I asked for?"

   "Yeeeeeeeah... I made a mistake. I did summon up the powers, but I
wasn't able to give them to you. They're around in this building! You
just have to find them. I threw in a few others, so there's that!"

   "Okay, okay. But what is this building?" demanded Alice.

   "For you, it will be a training ground - basically, to get you used to
your new abilities."

   "Why did you leave me out there with a million of those things?" Alice

   "That... I want to say that's a test too, but then I would be lying.
You did pretty well, though."

   "Well, at least you're honest," said Alice with a bit of resignation.
"Anything else I should be aware of?"

   "Other than the place is crawling with more monsters? This place is
not as big as it appears."

   "At least I have that going for me. What am I getting myself into?"
Alice said to herself.

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