LNH: Beige Countdown #9 (1/9)

EDMLite robrogers72 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 11:23:55 PDT 2013

On Apr 13, 11:19 pm, Mitchell Crouch <msc... at uowmail.edu.au> wrote:
> Oh boy! I don't really have time to say much because I'm in intensive week for my Masters and I'm moving house at the same time so my bedroom and kitchen are kind of in different suburbs right now but I just wanted to say that I read, enjoyed, and whole-heartedly endorse this.

Thank you very much!  And good luck on your move!

(Insert joke here about how getting up for a midnight
snack must require a lot of walking when your
bedroom and kitchen are in different suburbs).

(Unless the suburbs are in Rhode Island).

-- Rob Rogers
-- A big fan of midnight snacks
-- And Rhode Island

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