LNH/META: Some questions, pursuant to LNH v2 #52 (in progress)

Arthur Spitzer arspitzer at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 25 17:10:21 PDT 2012

On 6/25/12 11:38 AM, Saxon Brenton wrote:
> On 20 June 2012 Adrian asked:
>  > 1. Who in the LNH has a time machine or time travel powers?
> * Any of the tech whizes (Kid Kirby, Dr Stomper, Kid Enthusiastic...)
> could be handwaved to be said to be able to build a time machine.
> * Similarly, Occultism Kid and any other occult types could be handwaved
> to have time travel spells. And if Occultism Kid has rebuilt his TANDI
> after the events of Infinite Leadership Crisis, then he definately has
> quick and easy acces to a time travel machine.
> * Kid Not Appearing In Any Beige Midnight Story has been able to travel
> backwards in time under his own power when he got dumped in the far
> future.
> * Bicycle Repair Lad is listed as having Superboy-like powers, which
> depending on which version of Superboy you're talking about would
> include the ability to time travel. However, I've often privately
> thought that his more powerful abilities should operate with the Roger
> Rabbit clause: 'Only when it's funny'.

He has powers (beyond repairing bikes)?  Well, that's what I get for not 
reading his roster enrty...

Of course maybe Hex Luthor got rid of those extra powers when he hit the 
Cosmic Reboot Button...

Or maybe BRL has to be near bicycles to have any powers...

> * Fourth Wall Lass can travel back to observe the past from behind the
> Fourth Wall, but can't actually interact with it.
> * Wikiboy only needs to be Editted to gain them.
> * There are probably others that I'm blanking on.
> ---
> Saxon Brenton

Munchkin Man has a Helmet of Timetravel (or something like that... 
refusing to reread that issue of Beige Midnight to check what I called it)..

The LNH Webcomic version of Ultimate Ninja karate chopped the time 

Arthur "Time Waster Lad" Spitzer

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