HCC: HCC #31: Big Monster Battle!

EDMLite robrogers72 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 15:43:55 PDT 2012

First, I'd like to say what an honor it was for me to be chosen as the
winner of HCC #30, "The Challenge From Before."

As far as I know, it was the first time in contest history that an
unpublished (and unfinished) story came up as the winner.  With that
in mind, I am hopeful that Beige Countdown #9 will triumph in this
year's RACCies...

But let's get to the business at hand.  As some of you know, I was, at
first, going to suggest a kind of constrained writing exercise --  a
story that would contain only one line of dialogue.  Which would have
been interesting, I'm sure.

But it's summer.

And I'm in the mood for something fun.

And this thing was just announced at Comic-Con:

So let's do this.  Entry number 31 is: Big Monster Battle!  Interpret
that however you wish.

Entries due by Tuesday, Aug. 7.  And if you do choose to use only one
line of dialogue...

...make it "SMASH!"

--Rob Rogers
--Breathing fire, his head in the sky...

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