LNH20: Tales of the LNH v20 #1: Fall and Rise Part 1: "As The World Wakes Up From History"

Martin Phipps martinphipps2 at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 28 01:04:18 PST 2012

On Jan 28, 1:10 pm, Andrew Perron <pwer... at gmail.com> wrote:

> He paid, giving a precise 15% tip, and stepped out into a crowd of
> protesters.  They stood around the Monument, holding signs and chanting
> slogans on the proposed Young Net.human Guidance Act.
> The Act was a ballot measure in Ohio, the state Netropolis happened to
> be in at the moment,

Wait... the whole city moves?!  What about power lines, telephone
lines, cable service to the suburbs, etc.?  What happens when somebody
drives out of town and then finds the city isn't there anymore?  Do
people feel the city move like it's an earthquake or do people just
wake up every few months (weeks?) in a different state?  And where
does the city move to?  I mean are there city sized vacant areas all
over the Loonited States?

You know, technically, it could be the state boundary that moves while
Netropolis itself remains where it is.  Less catastrophic. ;)

Mind you, the same problems could exist with LNH HQ except 1) LNH HQ
has it's own power source so there are no power lines, 2) all
telephone and internet connections to the outside world are wireless,
3) LNH HQ is bigger on the inside than on the outside so it doesn't
take up a lot of space in the city and 4) I had assumed that there
would have been building sized vacant lots all over Netropolis... but
a whole city moving?   That's a bit much. :)

> Notes: Flashback and Louis Allen are created by Lalo and are General
> Use.  Feel free to have them explain *your* character's backstory!

Okay, I've scribbled together a few notes that will become Generation
2.0 #6.  Thanks for the idea. :)


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