HCC/SW10: "Worse Than Useless?" 24 Minute Challenge

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Mon Jan 2 15:49:32 PST 2012

On 1/2/2012 2:34 PM, Adrian J. McClure wrote:

> I'll confess to still being a little bit baffled by the whole
> Superhuman World thing. It has a long and very dense history,
> apparently going back to daydreams and RPG sessions from the late 80s,
> and the stories I've read have very little explanation for it--I'm
> still not entirely sure who either the main character Wyatt Ferguson
> or Ellipsis is.

Yep.  Having now been exposed to LNH and any number of justified and 
ancient fanboy worlds, I've resolved not to be ashamed of the backstory. 
  I'll consider an intro story before I usher readers further into it, 

> That said, I did enjoy this piece. It's easier for me to follow
> because it's focused mainly on one idea. The hook--a superhero open-
> sourcing his tech--is a very strong one. (Kind of the exact opposite
> of Iron Man's Armor Wars storyline.)

Yep.  Don't get me going on the Armor Wars.  Wyatt Ferguson actually 
started as a parody of that.  http://www.eilertech.com/stories/1988/me1.htm

> There've been a bunch of stories
> exploring what happens when superhero technology actually starts
> changing the world, but the open-source angle is new and clever. I
> look forward to seeing the implications of this in future SW stories,
> whether or not I can make any sense of them.

Thanks.  But that darn dense SW10 has other stuff going on, and might 
just blow up before Ellipsis tech can get its traction...

(signed) Scott Eiler  8{D> -------- http://www.eilertech.com/ ---------

Turns out I'm an anally-fixated oedipal paranoid with 
south-of-the-border schizophrenic delusions...  But never mind, I've 
found me the ideal job.  I'm going to run for President!

- Major Honey, scripted by Grant Morrison, Doom Patrol #46, August 1991.

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