SW10/HCC: Superhuman World 2011: The Element of Surprise

Andrew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 10:22:59 PST 2012

On Sat, 18 Feb 2012 01:37:26 +0000 (UTC), Scott Eiler wrote:

> "Second item of business.  The Black Arts Challenge of 2011 is due by 
> the Winter Solstice.  But *which* Winter Solstice?  As we all know, 
> Earth's orbit changed in 2009.  Which was fine.  It landed in a good 
> natural 520-day orbit which fit the crop growth cycle and the Mayan 
> calendar."  (http://www.eilertech.com/stories/2009/neworbit.htm#mayas )
> "So we set a date in March 2012 old calendar, Midwinter Year 2 new 
> calendar.  But then *Ellipsis* ^&%!ed with the orbit *again!*  Now it's 
> some damn 375 days, and the Solstice is all ^&%!ed up.  What'll we do 
> with *that*?
> "Proposed.  ^&%! the Challenge.  We've got bigger business now.

I dunno - doesn't winning that give you a fairly big chunk of power?  Or am
I confused?

> "Next.  ^&%! Ellipsis.  In a real and meaningful way.

Bow-chicka-bow-bow-- oh, not quite *that* meaningful.

> "Well, ^&%! Ellipsis!"
> "... Indeed.
> There is mystic unrest already.  Even some 
> Christian pastors distrust the new technology."
> "^&%! Christian pastors!"
> "... Indeed.

I like this guy. XD

> He was of the Caladrian race, ancestors of humans... or whatever.  Human 
> history was uncertain about this.


> But now on Human Earth, after all the 
> reality shifts they'd had, they didn't even *remember* this mighty attack!

Eesh.  Continuity does that, I suppose!

> The Black Mages were amazingly easy to manipulate, considering they had 
> such mystic power.  Something about Earthlings made them pick either 
> logic or magic.  These mages were so chaotic that any being who embraced 
> both logic *and* magic could bend them to its will.

Seriously, you guys!  It's not that hard.

Fun times, though I didn't really get the "surprise".

Andrew "NO .SIG MAN" "Juan" Perron, bit by bit we dance forward.

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