LNH20: LNH20 Comics Presents #13

James Mason mason.james.jamesmason at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 00:24:42 PST 2012

On Feb 12, 12:05 am, "Adrian J. McClure" <mrfantast... at gmail.com>
> Also: I can't find the post where Scott was wondering who would be
> available for the next Clueless Lad Team-Up, but the obvious answer is
> the Great Catastrophe. In fact you and James could even do a
> crossover. The one Lalo and I had planned fell through, so that would
> be the first.

I would like to but two things are in the way (That aren't video games
or school) 1. I'm working on the next Mike Kittyman 2. I can't really
contact Scott. If we can figure out something then sure.

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