LNHY/META: A Call To Corruption

EDMLite robrogers72 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 11:04:21 PST 2012

On Feb 8, 8:41 pm, Andrew Perron <pwer... at gmail.com> wrote:
> The System Corrupters can only accept one character per author!  We need
> net.villains to join in!  Submit a character with name, description,
> powers, and personality.  Feel free to submit multiple characters, but make
> sure they're Usable Without Permission!

The Scarlet Harlot!  Her powers feed on the expectations of others...
so she's
exactly as powerful, as beautiful, as deadly, as highly-skilled as
around her *thinks* she is.

She dresses like Elektra... and is *very* concerned with her image (as
certainly doesn't want her enemies to figure out how her powers

--Rob Rogers
--Had thought about her as a '20 character, but LNHY works too...

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