[MV] The Super Wizard From Space #9

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Wed May 18 19:02:38 PDT 2011

Wil Alambre wrote:

> Using the warping walls as footing, Gavrilo crawled out of 
> the airlock just before the hatch closed behind him the rocket-ship 
> turned into a metal reflection of the other space-bees.

Okay, I'll buy that these were-bees can turn a machine into a bee, because these 
are obviously Super Were-Bees.  Say no more.  8{D>

> A sonic boom blasted from the sky above them. The Super Wizard From 
> Space accelerated straight downward, the energy cocoon around him 
> flaring with bright power. 

Can the Super Wizard's super sonic boom outrace the Super Wizard himself?

> "The technology works, but the silver skull radiates the effect outwards 
> rather than into the machine. The entire universe that travels through 
> time, with only the pilot chamber actually changing. The time machine 
> works inside out."

If I had a time machine that made the entire universe travel through time while 
I stayed put, that would be good enough for me.

> "Any pilot gets shunted away as the machine's limited interior realigns 
> to a different time period. But since the controls are always here with 
> us, they're trapped forever. The machine is useless. It always has been."

Well, that's different.  A time machine that can't take passengers *is* pretty 

> And floating above it's forehead, set just behind it's golden eyes, a 
> wreath of bay laurels made of interlocking branches and tangled leaves, 
> radiating with a sickly green pallor.

Is that like a crown for purpose of the Super Wizard Challenge?   ... I guess 
we'll find out.

> I'm having too much fun with were-bees. This issue was over 2200 words 
> before I realized it was too long and wasn't going to wrap up the silver 
> skull machine arc. 

Wrapping up arcs on schedule is overrated.

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