LNH/NTB/LNHY: Beige Midnight #8: PLANET MUHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!! I: "They Mite Be Rulers" (1/3)

Arthur Spitzer arspitzer at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 8 20:09:17 PDT 2011

On 6/7/11 10:19 PM, Saxon Brenton wrote:
> Waaait a minute...
> It just occurred to me: Isn't this the *second time* during this
> miniseries that a writer has found his/her/its/their fiction
> becoming reality?

Honestly?  I don't know... I've lost track of all of the various plots 
and subplots...

And I refuse to reread Beige Midnight just so I can answer this 
question.  :)

But if you're thinking about the Dick Hey/Dizzy Collar (or whatever I 
called them).. that happened in Beige Countdown... a completely 
different miniseries from this one... :)

> [Gives Cheesecake-Eater Lad a hard look]  "Are you part of the
> Teenage Disco Vampire Barbershop Quartet Net.Force Universe writers
> group?"
> ---
> Saxon Brenton
> Can't believe it took him the better part of two weeks to make the
> connection.

Just wait till Occultism Kid gets sucked into the Insanity Gauntlet and 
you'll really see metafiction abuse...

Arthur "Death to the Fourth Wall!" Spitzer

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