[MV] The Super Wizard From Space #15: The Tragedy Of Sharkasaurus Rex, Part 5

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Wed Jul 20 20:24:16 PDT 2011

On 7/20/2011 2:51 PM, Wil Alambre wrote:
> Geisel was gone, his phantasmal form torn apart in savage fury by the
> recently de-crowned Sharkasaurus Rex.
> The equally ethereal Theodor watched the entire sudden rending in still
> shock. As did the rest of the infinite school, millions of fellow ghost
> fish that had all gathered to psychically leash the mighty megalodon.
> They didn't even realize such a thing was possible. They had survived
> life. They had survived death. They were supposed to be free... not
> fragile.

Wow, I wasn't expecting more story here.  I figured the Great Powers of 
the Galaxy (Universe?) would pen the defeated Rex and then get down to 
business.  Not that I'm complaining, though.

> "You tore at our sun. You struck out against our mountain. You gashed
> wounds across planet Amity itself." said Brody Dharma with measured words.

Hey now... If the challenge was still on, the Super Wizard was in 
compliance with terms which Brody himself had set.  The crowns 
themselves would have stopped Our Wizard otherwise.  Perhaps Brody 
should have said, "We apologize on behalf of our mountain, our world and 
our sun for interfering."

Or was Brody mad because the Super Wizard had already won the challenge 
but he was still fighting, the same way he does when he stomps unicorns? 
  How *do* these challenges end, anyway?  Is there a secret to the Super 
Wizard's, uh, fighting spirit?  If one crown is good, are two better?  I 
guess we'll find out...

> "But Rex has fed on his own students. He has added their own
 > insubstantial mass to his own. Already he's exponentially larger
 > than he was when he first arrived."

"Insubstantial mass" aside, I guess the Infinite School might really be 
nigh-infinite if something the size of a mountain can eat them and grow.

If you should feel the urge to declare Rex to be a universal menace, 
have the Great Powers band together to humble him some more, end this 
story quickly, and get down to the fun stuff you want to tell, I could 
see the attraction of that.  Otherwise, this has its own fun potential too.

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