LNH: LNH Comics Presents #506 (1/2)

Saxon Brenton saxonbrenton at hotmail.com
Wed Jul 20 10:37:12 PDT 2011

I'll concur with Andrew, there is simply so much here either 
big picture stuff (an examination of the ways and means 
and ethics of weilding power, and crap but Nixon gets some 
good lines when he's explaining himself) to all the little 
touches of characterisation and backhistory.
>      He had been afraid before -- he still woke to
> nightmares that the demon Flipseid had claimed this
> reality for his own, or that the horror of the Bryttle
> Brothers had returned, or that yet another flock of
> oddly anthropomorphic birds had taken up residence in
> Legion headquarters.
Really demented thought: not more anthropomorphic birds, 
but lemurs.  The lemurs from Superguy have decided (rightly 
or wrongly) that the glacial pace of posting to the 
Superguy list means its a dying universe(tm) and will soon 
physically dissipate.  And rather than stick around and try 
to find a solution (as you know damn well the squirrels 
will be doing) they've decided to jump ship.  And now 
they're in one of the LNH-HQ sub-basements, going "Frink" 
and occasionally raiding the kitchen for grape juice.  And 
then Fearless Leader wakes up in a cold sweat.
>      "What about you?" he asked, turning to Limp-Asparagus
> Lad.  "Oh, wait -- you're Alt.stralian, right?  I don't
> suppose any of your prime ministers ever come back from
> the dead, do they?"
>      "No, not really," said the Man of Dull, who wore a
> plain gray suit.  "Although I suppose you could count
> Robert Menzies..."
Argh!  Sorry sorry sorry.  I should have read the preview 
issue when it appeared on lnh-authors list, rather than 
dropping everything to go and read the third _About Time_ 
collection and only seeing #506 once it was publicly 
posted.  No, Limp-Asparagus Lad isn't Alt.stralian, he's from 
IO.wa in the Usenetted States (from A Little Town You've Probably 
Never Heard Of, iirc).  His Oddball counterpart was retconned 
into being Australian, simply so that he'd have something 
that was distinctly different rather than being an outright 
Saxon Brenton

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