SW10/HCC: The Tape #1: THE POWER OF THE TAPE! Trailer

Scott Eiler seiler at eilertech.com
Fri Jul 1 20:49:00 PDT 2011

Interview with a movie commentator with a scraggly mustache and beard, 
before the trailer for convention screenings:

"We have actual superhumans in this world.  They don't usually wear 
Spandex or long underwear, but they can power-blast with the best of 
them.  But they're usually more scary than entertaining.  So people turn 
to the sillier fictional heroes for entertainment.  Like The Tape, who 
swings through the city like Spider-Man on strands of tape. As the Dark 
Tape, he flies in an "Evil Wing" made of duct tape, which is virtually 

Caption: Wyatt Ferguson, March 28, 1999.



(Tinkly background music - such as the introduction of Carter USM's 
"1993" - plays in the background)

When the Aliens Came...

(pan shot of a giant rocket ship, towering over a skyscraper; background 
music gets a bass tone)

... They Turned Humanity Against One Another.

(action shot of rioters; more bass tone)

... Then They Tried to Destroy the Earth.

(zoom-in on an evil-looking desolate planet, with a cometary tail; more 
bass tone)

But One Hero Fought Back!

(shadowy establishing shot of one heroic-looking man)

Not With Mind Control...

(close shot on head; the man puts on a helmet with jutting forehead and jaw)

Not With Power Blasts...

(close shot on hands; the man puts on what looks like brass knuckles, 
only flat)

But With...

(return to establishing shot of now-costumed man)

... TAPE!

(something shoots out from the man's wrists to hit a light switch.  As 
the lights come on, the camera shows it's a strip of duct tape)

(Action music - such as the main body of Carter USM's "1993" - plays 
along with action sequences:  the costumed man fighting in turn rioters 
and Afghan guerrillas, then riding on a glider made of duct tape, 
buzzing a giant spaceship and fighting the Russian Air Force)

At Earth's Darkest Hour...

(quieter musical interlude along the same theme; establishing shot of 
incoming evil planet, now with a solar-wind sail attached; shot zooms in)


(action music resumes.  Zoom-in shows, the sail is made of duct tape. 
It ends with the costumed man on the front of the sail, in a classic 
Ride 'Em pose.)

The Power Of... THE TAPE!

(music comes to a conclusive end)

In theaters July 1st.


Author's Notes:

This episode is online at 
http://www.eilertech.com/storie/2011/page.php?fn=tape1.txt .

For the "Summer Blockbuster" High Concept Challenge of 
rec.arts.comics.creative, I considered which of my world's heroes would 
do the best at licensing their adventures.  I eventually realized, the 
answer was None of The Above.  This sort of fictional escapism is the 
only kind of movie *inside* Superhuman World 2011 that could ever be 
popular.  Probably outside too, for that matter.

I don't consider this writing challenge over until I show how Our Hero 
wins in the end.  So I am declaring a mini=series.  Readers may expect a 
follow-up during challenge time:


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