HCC: HCC 16 Voting

Phantasm phantom_belcher at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 23 20:04:58 PST 2011

Alright, I let things go almost two hours longer just to be on the
safe side.

Currently, there are four entries to be considered for HCC 16, "The
Epic Poem":

[ASH] Sonnet Null by Dave van Domelan

Team Xero #4 by Jamas Enright

Captain Sestina #1 by Andrew Perron

[LNH] Legion of Net.Heroes v2 #40, "Rescue of the Edmund Fitzgerald"
by Saxon Brenton

Voting survey is at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2G7TMY6 , and will
go for exactly one week; voting deadline is Jan 30.

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