REVIEW: End of Month Reviews #88-95: Index

Arthur Spitzer arspitzer at
Thu Dec 15 15:43:57 PST 2011

On 12/15/11 2:39 PM, Apathy Beast's Meat Puppet wrote:

Yes!  Saxon's back with reviews!!!!  (Looks down.  Oh wait.  Just an 
index.  Move along people. :))

> [REVIEW] End of Month Reviews #88-95: Index
>       Saxon was going to the local comic shop when he was attacked by
> the Apathy Beast.  It planned to infiltrate the proposed RACC-Con in
> 2012, so it killed him, and scooped out his insides (and ate them) and
> started wearing his skin as a disguise.
>       It moves among you, wearing the stolen face of a friend, watching
> with cold, hate filled eyes as it plots RACC's inevitable downfall.
>       {points dramatically}  Behold!  Arthur Spitzer, who is in a
> loosing struggle to complete _Beige Midnight_.  Soon the LNH-Readers-
> Who-Are-Sick-To-Death-With-These-Damn-Neverending-Events-Liberation
> Front will lose patience and finish him.

I will finish it in 2021... (Err 2012... I mean.  Freudian Slip. 
Really.  Honest.  2021.  Whoops... did it again.)...

I mean since I wrote 3 issues this year... I should be able to write 
another 3 next year... right?

(Planned to get one more out this year... but was swallowed away by the 
Procrastination Force)..

Arthur "Dog ate my issue..." Spitzer

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