LNH: LNH Comics Presents #507: Introducing -- THE LNH!

Wil Alambre wilalambre at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 13:29:26 PDT 2011

On 2011-08-13, at 8:29 PM, Arthur Spitzer wrote:
> Writer's Notes:  Hah.  Ah, well.  This story was inspired by Wil's LNH Comics Presents cover that he made.
> http://wil.alambre.ca/racc/
> I wondered what LNH hero would have an LNH insignia on his chest and so that's how Leaping Nacho Hurter came to be.  And Goggles Guy because of the goggles.
> Both Leaping Nacho Hurter and Nacho the Leaping Nacho are Free For Use Characters.  Yeah, I know Leaping Nacho Hurter appears to be dead -- but you can bring him back to life if you want or something even cleverer. Goggles Guy is also free for use.
> I don't have any plans to do anymore with these characters so feel free to use them if you want.

This was great fun, I certainly wasn't expecting this :)

I'm certain many of you have already deduced this, but just to be on the safe side, the LNH Comics Presents cover was based on the recent Dark Horse Comics Presents #1 cover, specifically the version by Paul Chadwick. http://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/17-843/Dark-Horse-Presents-1-Paul-Chadwick-cover

> Should have been writing Beige Midnight #9 instead of this.

I know what you mean... I'm finding myself drifting to some new projects when I should (and want) be finishing up Super Wizard. Missed last week, shame on me :P

Wil Alambre, follow me on Twitter at http://twitter.com/wilalambre

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