[LNH] The Tribulations of Kid Review #3

Tom Russell joltcity at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 08:39:32 PDT 2010

On Sep 8, 3:55 am, Andrew Perron <pwer... at gmail.com> wrote:

> [8FOLD] My Father's Son #1: "It's A Start"
> "My Father's Son is Saxon Brenton's first title in the Eightfold
> universe, and, I believe, the first Eightfold title written by anyone
> other than the founders, Tom Russell and Jamie Rosen.

In both cases the first title-- title in this case being a continuing
series with one author-- but it's actually Saxon's second story for
Eightfold.  The first appeared in the first (and, so far, only) issue
of JOLT CITY ADVENTURES.  The story behind that is I solicited stories
for a JOLT CITY ANNUAL-- the idea is that each story would cover a
different period of Martin Rock's life.  The problem is that, while
several authors signed up, called dibs on an era, and sent me plots,
only Saxon actually wrote the story. :-)

And so, a year or two later, we published it as JOLT CITY ADVENTURES #

> Saxon is one of my favorite writers (Limp-Asparagus Lad was one of the
> series that introduced me to the LNH and RACC), so I was excited about
> this from the moment I first heard."

Me too! ;-)

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