LNH/HYPE: The Final Week of...

Saxon Brenton saxonbrenton at hotmail.com
Sat May 5 16:47:49 PDT 2007

Back on 28 April 2007 Arthur Spitzer <arspitzer at earthlink.net> wrote:

>Well, I posted Saxon's issue, but my posting program
>asked me if I really wanted to post something with
>so many unknown characters (which is a bad sign)
>so who knows when it will show up....

It's probably the fact that when I write, I write in Word, and then
save as a .txt file.  Then when the file closes it converts all sorts of
smart quotes and stuff into basic 7-bit ascii.  In this case I'm guessing
that when I made the final corrections before emailing it to Arthur,
in those hectic 1-and-a-half hours before I left for the family vacation
I didn't close and save it to 7-bit, hence all the funky characters.

Since I can see at least two typos which have no relation to this
problem (Archangel Gabrielle. Feh. I've obviously been reading too
much of the _IN Nomine_ RPG...) I'll make a final tidy up and repost
later this week now that I'm back.  For the sake of the archives...

Saxon Brenton   Uni of Technology, city library, Sydney Australia

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