LNH: LNH Comics Presents #500: INFINITE LEADERSHIP CRY.SIG Episode 465 -- Part II

EDMLite robrogers72 at gmail.com
Sat May 5 15:34:08 PDT 2007

On May 3, 5:15 pm, Arthur Spitzer <arspit... at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Rob Rogers ending for it would have been quite a bit different...
> And probably a lot funnier...

Thanks... but after going without sleep for a few days (why did I
decide to write all my episodes at the end of the month?) I'm not
sure if I had much of a sense of humor left... and if I did, I'm not
sure it would be anything I'd want published in a public forum...

> After I post the epilogue I think I'm going to take like a couple month
> break from the LNH....

I've been thinking the same thing... and if all of the other authors
follow suit, the Church of the Fourth Wall gets exactly what it

--Easily-Discovered Man Lite
--Is saving his version of the ending for the DVD extras...

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