LNH: 58.5 #17

Lalo Martins lalo.martins at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 04:15:54 PST 2007

Also spracht Martin Phipps (Tue, 18 Dec 2007 10:57:38 +0000):
> Oops!  I started reading #18 and I was very, very confused because I
> somehow missed seeing #17.  (It came so quickly after #13 that I didn't
> realize it was a new issue.)  So, anyway, what happened to #'s 14-16?

The answer can be found in the credits:

Also spracht Lalo Martins (Wed, 05 Dec 2007 18:29:18 +0000):
>  Skipping issues                              Arthur Spitzer's


I just felt a hundred days was a bit too much to jump, so I "reserved" 
three issues just in case I want to get back to this period.

                                               Lalo Martins
      So many of our dreams at first seem impossible,
       then they seem improbable, and then, when we
       summon the will, they soon become inevitable.
GNU: never give up freedom              http://www.gnu.org/

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