[usVerse] The Unfinished Sentence-Verse #1

Adrian James McClure lord_soldeed at yahoo.com
Sat May 6 16:53:47 PDT 2006

The Unfinished Sentence-Verse #2

But before anyone could answer that question, the raft started to curse
incoherently in Spanish.  "Why is it doing that?" said the anonymous

"I don't know," said the creepy old lady.  "It's been doing that all
the time since I woke up."

"Puta lagarto!" said the raft.  "Mis pantalones estan comidos por emus
de mierda!"

"You know," said the protagonist, "this whole situation seems very
profound somehow.  This must be some kind of profound mystery with deep
metaphysical overtones that must gradually be pieced together.  Or
maybe this is all an elaborate allegory. I represent the average
everyman, searching for his own identity, surrounded by a hostile
society.  The old woman represents Americans' desire for youth and
inability to accept their own mortality.  The nun represents organized
religion.  The robot with a cowboy hat represents the working class.
The gila monster with a viking helmet represents, er, science fiction
fandom.  And the raft represents illegal immigrants."

"You have to be an academic," said the nun, who had a light Irish

"Why is that?"

"Because that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"See!  Organized religion is always hostile to intellectual activity!"

Suddenly, Jeph Loeb was brought in as a writer in this series to
increase its sales.  A giant robot which looks exactly like the
Composite Ultimate Ninja flew in and blasted the protagonist's head
off.  "Hey!" said the severed head of the protagonist.  "That hurts!"

The robot's chest opened to reveal...

Adrian "and yes, I'm aware there is no Composite Ultimate Ninja" McClure

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