REVIEWS: The Phippsian Reader

Jamas Enright thad at
Sat May 14 22:01:54 PDT 2005

On 15 May 2005, Tom Russell wrote:

> I guess you write what you know.

To be fair, the first market for an American movie is, of course, America,
and since there look to be a lot of American that aren't even aware
there's some place other than America, if you want danger, it's America
that will be in trouble.

There are only two movies I can think of off the top of my head that have
had content changes for an international market (other than cuts/etc due
to violence).

Toy Story 2 - in which an American flag behind Buzz is replaced with a
spinning Earth.
Pearl Harbour - because they thought that the Japan bashing might be
offensive to Japanese (which, by implication, means that Japan bashing is
fine in America).

(This does make you wonder if Bollywood is producing huge budget epics
where the world, as represented by India is in danger. And indeed, how
often was Gamera called in to save some place that wasn't in Japan. :)
Or how often does James Bond not serve just her Majesty's interests? So
all countries do this, it's just that America is more noticable*.)

(*Let alone the arrogance needed to make crap American versions of
brilliant Japanese movies just because they know Americans can't even
think of seeing a foreign movie...)

But to drag this thread kicking and screaming back to the LNH, you've got
three Antipodean writers setting stories in Ame.rec.a mainly because
that's where everyone else is.

(And yes, it is good to see that Martin is doing LNH Asia...)

Jamas Enright
"Answers answered and questions questioned."
Blue Light Productions homepage:

"If a great state has decided by law that twice two is five, it would be
foolish to allow mathematicians to testify." - Comment during the Scopes
Monkey Trial.

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