[hype] Out Now, Out Later!

Jamie Rosen jamie.rosen at sunlife.com
Fri Mar 18 11:02:08 PST 2005

[Out Now]

Stolen Garbage #9 -- Written long after #10, but posted before it, this
is the 'triumphant' 'return' of RACC's
second-most-beloved-that-I-can-think-of single author anthology series.

[Out Later]

Miss Translation #18 -- "The End of the Beginning", as Lamar Dunston
faces off with the Nielsen Family, Blue Wave and
Sleeps-With-Anything-Alive Girl unravel the mystery at the maternity
war, and Miss Translation finishes her letter!

Swamp Patrol #21 -- The Swampers bust of the mental asylum in
"Continuity Breakdowns, pt 4": "Going Out of My Head"!

Stolen Garbage #10 -- written long before #9, but posted after it, and
weighing in at substantially longer.

All this, plus... An Awesome Authorial Announcement from Tough Tom
Russell and Joltin' Jamie Rosen!

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