[NNTP] When to use 440 for POST?

Julien ÉLIE julien at trigofacile.com
Sat Jan 23 05:27:08 PST 2010

Hi all,

In Section of RFC 3977:

   Example of an attempt to post when posting is not allowed:

      [Initial connection set-up completed.]
      [S] 201 NNTP Service Ready, posting prohibited
      [C] POST
      [S] 440 Posting not permitted

There is an edge-case with Section 2.2 of RFC 4643:

   Note that a server may perform a successful authentication exchange
   with a client and yet still deny access to some or all resources; the
   permanent 502 response indicates that a resource is unavailable even
   though authentication has been performed (this is in contrast to the
   temporary 480 error, which indicates that a resource is unavailable
   now but may become available after authentication).

Does the following suggestion is right when POST is not allowed
for the connected (and/or authentified) user?
INN currently always answers 440 but it seems to be a bug.

* greeting = 200
  POST => 480
  we authenticate
  POST => 502

* greeting = 201
  POST => 440
  we authenticate anyway
  POST => 440

Or something else should be done?

> What are usual cases of use for 440?

I've found one in INN:  limiting how many articles a user can send
per minute/hour.  POST returns 440 when the limit has been reached.

Julien ÉLIE

« -- Maintenant les Romains sont alertés.
  -- En tout cas, ceux-là ne sont plus très alertes ! » (Astérix)

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