No subject

Mon Nov 23 06:00:05 PST 2009

        while (open_valid_art(artbuf, art_id) == NULL) {
                if (argc > 1) {
                        printf("%d Invalid article number: %s.\r\n",
                                ERR_NOARTIG, artbuf);
                        (void) fflush(stdout);
                } else {
                        if (++art_ptr >= num_arts) {
                                printf("%d Invalid article number.\r\n",
                                (void) fflush(stdout);
                        (void) sprintf(artbuf, "%d", art_array[art_ptr]);

Note the ++art_ptr, and while it does not exceed the high water mark,
it will grow until an article is found!

Is it how the NNTP protocol is supposed to work?
If that's the case, then RFC 3977 should be amended to mention that...

Incidentally, ARTICLE answers 423 (and not 420) in the NNTP reference
implementation even though no argument is given to ARTICLE.

Julien ÉLIE

« En vérité, le chemin importe peu, la volonté d'arriver suffit à tout. »

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