[NNTP] Draft 26 pre-2

Andrew - Supernews andrew at supernews.net
Sat May 7 09:54:58 PDT 2005

>>>>> "Clive" == Clive D W Feather <clive at demon.net> writes:

 Clive> Now in the usual place:
 Clive> <http://www.davros.org/nntp-texts/draft26.pre-2.txt>
 Clive> <http://www.davros.org/nntp-texts/draft26.pre-2.html>

 Clive> Still some known formatting problems, but apart from that
 Clive> there are no further changes waiting to be done.

I reiterate my objection to messing with the GROUP command at this
extremely late stage.

Andrew, Supernews

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