[NNTP] draft-ietf-nntpext-streaming-02

Ken Murchison ken at oceana.com
Fri Oct 15 06:24:02 PDT 2004

Clive D.W. Feather wrote:
> I wrote:
>>Hang on.
>>As I see it, the 432 response to TAKETHIS has exactly the same meaning as
>>the 436 response to IHAVE. We explicitly list 436 as being possible after
>>the article body has been sent. So when do existing servers generate this
>>response? If they do, why shouldn't they generate 432 in the same
> Oh, and what about 441 to POST. Should this be replaced by 400 as well?

I am also confused.  I think we need Andrew to help us (or at least me) 
understand this how/why TAKETHIS is vastly different from IHAVE/POST.

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
--PGP Public Key--    http://www.oceana.com/~ken/ksm.pgp

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