Russ Allbery rra at stanford.edu
Sun Nov 7 14:43:44 PST 2004

Howard Swinehart <binaryboy at binaryboy.com> writes:

> The difference is that a client author can potentially experiment and
> create a workaround for non-compliant servers that exist today while the
> future protocol is completely unknown.  A client might want to give up
> immediately when it sees a backwards incompatible version number.

Well, I'm dubious that anyone would want to produce a version of NNTP that
was that completely incompatible so that the same sort of fallback that
you'd use for Netscape Collabra wouldn't also work.

I'm not completely opposed to the idea, but I'm very suspicious of it
because other protocols haven't needed it.  If I had my druthers, we'd
just copy IMAP and not worry too much about it.

Russ Allbery (rra at stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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