[NNTP] LIST EXTENSIONS and an NNTPv2 capability

Howard Swinehart binaryboy at binaryboy.com
Sun Nov 7 07:30:18 PST 2004

From: "Ken Murchison" <ken at oceana.com>
> Yes, I was pointing out that he was the only client author that we've 
> heard from.  This is actually disconcerting that with all of the NNTP 
> clients out there (it seems everyone has their own favorite) that only one 
> has chosen to take part in this list (although somewhat late).
> I don't know if this is because they don't know that work is being done to 
> update NNTP, they became frustrated with past work and stopped paying 
> attention (which is where Mark was for a while), or they just don't care.

I'm a client author and I've been reading semi-regularly for several years. 
Usually the discussion is moving in a direction I agree with so I feel no 
need to add anything.  My silence is agreement.

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