[NNTP] DATE: reader or general command

Clive D.W. Feather clive at demon.net
Fri Dec 3 06:20:35 PST 2004

Russ Allbery said:
>>> A case could be made for HELP, which is widely implemented in
>>> transit-only servers.

> It's outside the scope of the revisions that we're supposed to be doing,
> kind of, but it's a pretty simple change, so yes, I think so.  I don't see
> how it could hurt, and it more closely matches reality.

Okay, it's done.

Since it's glaring me in the face, what about DATE?

> I don't want to let my peers read articles off my transit server.  I
> wasn't there when the original decision was made to only implement HEAD
> and not ARTICLE, but I'll bet that was a consideration.

Ah, I see.

> I really don't think we should list ARTICLE as a transit command, since
> it's pretty much the quintessential example of a reader command.  If
> anything, I'd go in the direction of *not* listing HEAD, but really I
> don't see any reason to change it.

Out of interest, what does transit-mode INN do with "HEAD 1234" or "STAT"
with no arguments?

Clive D.W. Feather  | Work:  <clive at demon.net>   | Tel:    +44 20 8495 6138
Internet Expert     | Home:  <clive at davros.org>  | Fax:    +44 870 051 9937
Demon Internet      | WWW: http://www.davros.org | Mobile: +44 7973 377646
Thus plc            |                            |

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