ietf-nntp Wildmats (was: draft posted)

Russ Allbery rra at
Thu Nov 29 09:46:51 PST 2001

Clive D W Feather <clive at> writes:

> In 11.4, change:

>   Each message-id SHALL appear only once in a response. The order
>   of the response has no specific significance and may vary from
>   response to response in the same session.

> to:

>   A message-id MAY appear more than once in a response. The order
>   of the response has no specific significance and may vary from
>   response to response in the same session. If a message-id appears
>   more than once it has the same meaning as if it appears only once.

I support this change.

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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