ietf-nntp [a-z] in Wildmats

Russ Allbery rra at
Fri Jun 22 10:35:50 PDT 2001

Charles Lindsey <chl at> writes:

> BTW, is "grapheme" defined anywhere, or is it the same as "glyph"?

Grapheme is:

graph.eme /'gra-"fEm/, noun [1935]

   1) the set of units of a writing system (as letters and letter
      combinations) that represent a phoneme

   2) a unit (as a letter) of a writing system

The difference between grapheme and glyph is that a glyph is a single
visual unit of a script, whereas a grapheme is a single logical unit; for
example, until recently, "ch" and "ll" were graphemes in Spanish even
though both were composed of two glyphs.  (Or at least that's my
understanding of it.)

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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