ietf-nntp anti-spam nntp extensions

Jeff Garzik jeff.garzik at
Thu Nov 13 05:19:30 PST 1997

In order to keep up with the rising tide of spam, real-time transmission
of spam message ids to downstream sites is needed.  To that end, I am
designing anti-spam extensions to NNTP.  Here's what I've come up with:


	Notifies the server that a connecting client
	wishes to send real-time spam message ids.


	Notifies the server that article <id> is
	considered spam by the connecting client.

As implemented in INN, the following logic would be applied to each <id>
passed to the server:

	if ( <id>-in-history-database )
		attempt article cancel
		add <id> to history database

Smarter implementations could also optimize by, and for, the presence of
spam cancel messages.  If a spam cancel is present in the form of
<> in history, further processing could be avoided.  And if
<id> is not in the history database, then <> can be added to
the database as well, to refuse the spam cancel that's almost certainly
to follow.

I used "filter" instead of "spam" in the commands so Hormel won't sue
me.  :)

Jeff Garzik			    Typhoon, Cyclone, Diablo, and INN
Spinne USENET News Service	        Fast and efficient news feeds	           News tuning and consulting

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