ietf-nntp XPAT pat [pat] ?

Eric Cole eric at
Tue Apr 22 18:36:59 PDT 1997

>	XPAT Subject - rich *alz
>Means the wildmat pattern "rich *alz"

would that match "thus spake Rich Salz on XPAT" or does the client need to
explicitly include preceding and postceding stars: "*rich *alz*"

>It's also worth pointing out (for it's not in the doc', at least not the
>September '96 nntpext.txt) that a range specified as a single hyphen as above
>seems to mean all articles in the group. At least that's the way INN appears
>to interpret it.

about the - parameter.  when group is called the first and last values are
cached relative to that client.  If articles are posted to that newsgroup
after group has been called by a client, should the - reflect the cached
state or the real state of the server.  some clients may make assumptions
about the number of articles information will be retrieved for based on the
initial call to group.


Eric Cole
Imagina, Inc.
eric at

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