nntp-extensions Re: ietf-nntp NNTP SEARCH extension internet-draft available

Jack De Winter jack at wildbear.on.ca
Thu Oct 31 17:12:08 PST 1996

>> My personal preferences would be to see NNTP set as a transfer protocol
>> and IMAP used to read the articles.  NNTP is good for transfering articles,
>> but the specs for any of the news reading stuff is poorly done. 
>As far as I have seen, between RFC977, RFC1036, and the more recent ID
>from Stan Barber the protocol (reading and transfer) seem pretty well

It seems covered if you care to use TAR and get some formats but hunting
through code on a site.  I asked him about this, and his attitude was to
find a Windows TAR program or to use a real operating system that had that.
That put me off I must admit.

>From past experience in the mail field, if someone is preparing a draft
that outlines what kind of responses a command returns, saying what that
format is in that draft/rfc or an exisiting RFC is necessary.  When it
comes time to vote for the NNTP drafts, I will make sure that my feelings
about this are mentioned to others, as Stan is not disposed to listen to

Jack De Winter - Wildbear Consulting, Inc.
(519) 576-3873		http://www.wildbear.on.ca/

Author of SLMail(95/NT) (http://www.seattlelab.com/) and other great products.

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