7DRL Success: RULER

Slash java.koder at gmail.com
Sun Mar 14 18:10:44 PDT 2010

On Mar 14, 5:29 pm, Slash <java.ko... at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all...
> Success!

Ok, it's finally done, it works! Download: http://slashie.net/request.php?74

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMjlRGv1u0Q

Picture: http://slashware.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/ruler140310-11.png

As usual, I forgot whatever lessons learned from last year and yet
again tried to do something too big, I'm glad I could at least get a
portion of what I wanted!

There's no manual yet, but this should serve as an introduction:

In RULER, you are the ruler of one of seven tribes which destiny is to
become civilizations, your goal is to make your people extend all
along the land, and discover the marvels of science and technology...

Be careful though, because you can only count with your life and your
loyal servants. If you die, you will never know what will happen to
your civilization!
* Find a good place for your first 2 settlements, you want a place
with food around (grassland, oceans and rivers are good places). You
will watch your cities grow in time!</li>
* Travel around looking for barbarian settlements to claim for you. Be
careful not to run out of supplies! you can always go to one of your
cities and refill.</li>
* Influence your cities so that Tinkers are born and tech production
* Create units in your cities and Enlist them into your group, so that
you can keep conquering and expanding!</li>
* If you can't create units, it may be because you don't have enough
resources! you can try trading resources from one settlement to
another. Create a caravan (needs trader specialists) and load
resources from a settlement, travel to the destination settlement and
establish a trade route to exchange resources!</li>
* Create sea unit and add them to your group to travel the seas!</li>
* Create workers and build roads between your cities</li>

I will release the source code, just in case anybody wants to

Congratulations to all the 7DRL Winners!

Aprox Work Time: 33:30 (25:30 + 8:00)


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