SW10/WWW: Superhuman World Wiki: Toledo Torpedo!

Drew Nilium pwerdna at gmail.com
Wed May 20 20:05:31 PDT 2020

On 5/19/2020 9:58 PM, Scott Eiler wrote:
> This one is for the guest star in the Powernaut 2008 series.  I'd given up 
> superhero gaming by 2008, but I still wrote in public.  So one night, the 
> bartender shared his concept.
> http://www.eilertech.com/stories/wiki/Toledo_Torpedo.htm

Ooooooh, nice! That's really cool for Patrick. Let's see...

>  The title "Toledo Torpedo" roughly translates as "Shadow Warrior of Generations". The original
> Toledo in Spain was known as "City of Generations". The original "torpedoes" in the U.S. Civil
> War were land and sea mines. Those were rightfully termed as "shadow warriors".
> Patrick's grandfather was a Toledo Torpedo before him; he passed on the oral history as it
> exists. Toledo Torpedoes go back at least two millennia. Patrick's grandfather told of a Roman
> hero called "Toledus Torpedus". 

I love the trope of saying "No, this straightforward and kinda goofy 
English-language name *actually* has a deep and ancient meaning" - but I don't 
think Toledo was around two millenia ago, and I know torpedoes weren't!

>  He was accused of killing a little girl by a slurpee machine in a 7-11 store, while he was
> robbing it. The girl was later found alive and well, outside the store. (Similar to many "Amber
> Alert" situations.) 

Oof, gotcha. That's Extremely Real.

Drew "gotta get around to Reality House soon" Nilium

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