LNH: WikiLull: Another Interlude

Drew Perron pwerdna at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 05:16:02 PDT 2017

On 6/18/2017 11:54 PM, Adrian McClure wrote:
> Here's another drabble:
> Out-of-The-Loop Lass barged into the Pizza Pit. "Hey guys! Lalo
> installed the LNH wiki on a more stable server!

It's true! So far it's running stably, and much faster than it did before. 
Bringing up category pages still takes a bit, but they do consistently come up.

> That means we don't
> have to worry about the LNHQ blowing up anymore. We can just stop this
> story--"
> The group of LNHers and post-trenchcoaters huddled at the table seemed
> to be planning a council of war. They were talking about invading
> robots and a living planet. The TVs were showing Cheesecake-Eater
> Lad's death over and over again. A cartoon dog was sipping coffee at a
> table that was on fire and muttering "Everything is fine..."
> "Uh, OK," said Out-Of-The-Loop Lass.


Drew "I like her" Perron

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