HCC: High Concept Challenge 47: Team-Up!

Tom Russell joltcity at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 08:58:07 PDT 2014

The challenge this time around is "Team-Up!"

Two characters, who don't always hang out with each other, hang out with each other, and they solve some kind of problem.

To unpack that a little: "don't always hang out with each other" doesn't mean that they've never hung out, just that they're not a part of a regular team/partnership. Like, Human Torch and the Thing would be a no-go, but Human Torch and Spider-Man are fine-- they've hung out a lot, but not all the time; Batman and Robin always hang out with each other, but Batman and Kamandi you don't see as often.

Don't think of the above as a hard "rule" or "restriction", really-- it's just the spirit of the thing that counts. I mean, WikiBoy and Limp-Asparagus Lad are both members of the same team, the LNH, but a story about the two of them solving the Mystery of the Phantom Cupcakes would definitely qualify as a Team-Up, because the two of them don't really hang out.

The characters can be existing characters, or they can be brand-new-- newbies, feel free to strut your stuff!-- heroes or villains, whatever strikes your fancy.

Just be sure to have said fancies struck by August 23rd, 2014!


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