LNH/META: Beige Countdown #9 almost complete

EDMLite robrogers72 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 14 15:34:36 PDT 2013

It's been nearly five years since the publication of "Beige Countdown

Five years.  That's one Presidential administration, one papacy and
one Doctor ago.  In that time, San Francisco won two World Series,
RACC held its first, official live convention and Arthur managed to
finish "Beige Midnight" (the series that followed "Beige Countdown").

The first draft of "Beige Countdown #9" is now complete and (with the
exception of two "hidden" chapters) is posted at the LNH Authors
Group.  I am now at work on editing this monster (which comes in at
26,551 words, or 81 pages of single-spaced Courier text) and hope to
post the first part within the next two weeks.  My hope is to become
the first LNH author to be eligible for both the Image Testimonial
Timepiece and the Rabbit-Breeders' Cup on the basis of a single issue.

Thanks to Arthur, Martin and the others who have provided me with very
helpful feedback.  I really appreciate their help -- and will welcome
the help of anyone else who wants to contribute suggestions, criticism
or sacks of cash.

The following LNH characters are currently appearing in the issue:

Achilles Boddy
Arthur E.L. Presence
Captain Continuity
Captain Rat Creature
The Collector
Cynical Lass
Deja Dude
Drabble Girl
Innovative-Offense Boy
Kid Kirby
Linguist Lass
The Meow Meow Gang
Minority Miss
Obscure Trivia Lad
Obnoxious Ame.rec.a Boy
Obsessive-Compulsive Boy
Ordinary Lady
Parking Karma Kid
Plum Master
Rabid Child
Skunk Girl
Steak and Potatoes Man
Substitute Lad
The Sun
Ultimate Ninja
Vapid Veterinarian
Vector Prime
Waffle Queen II
You're-Not-Hitting-Me-Hard-Enough Lad

If you are not a member of the LNH Authors Group, and would like me to
send you a copy of those scenes in which your character appears,
please let me know.

Thank you for your indulgence and your support.

--Rob Rogers
--Bringing you yesterday's comics tomorrow
--Or perhaps the day after

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